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Trayambaka Churnam

The incidence of thyroid disorders in India is high, with hypothyroidism in particular. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in India is 11%, and is being considered as the ‘the next diabetes’. The mainstay of treatment of Hypothyroidism is Thyroid hormone replacement therapy i.e. Levothyroxine.


But Levothyroxine has to be taken life-long & has certain side-effects (due to thyrotoxicosis) on long term use like it precipitates angina, causes cardiac arrhythmia, palpitation, tachycardia, muscle cramps, weakness, restlessness, osteoporosis, arthritis, affects calcium absorption etc.


So, there is a great need to find a safe and effective remedy which not only relieves symptoms but also increases the sense of well-being leading to more acceptability and better compliance.

The principal function of Thyroxine is to stimulate basal rate of metabolism. Thyroxine acts as a catalyst for the maintenance of cellular oxidative processes throughout the body. Hence, it has a profound influence on tissue metabolism all over the body.


These functions have striking similarity with the description of Agni in Ayurveda. The drugs that have their effect at Dhatvagni level and possess Kaphavatashamaka properties are ideal agents for treating hypothyroidism. 

Trayambaka churnam is one such unique product for hypothyroidism which is backed by 15 years of clinical work by Shreshtha Herbals.

This is an Anubhutha yoga used by Dr.Parameswaran Kaimal, a highly respected and well known Vaidyan from Kerala and later passed down the generations to Shreshtha Herbals. The doctors at Shreshtha Herbals have further worked on the formulation to make it more effective and have refined the formulation to get exemplary results in Hypothyroidism.

Clinical Observation studies for Trayambaka Churnam

Introduction: Trayambaka Churnam is an Ayurvedic Thyroid support system for patients with Hypothyroidism. It is a result of 15 years of clinical observation studies by Shreshtha Herbals. It is an unique product which works both on TSH levels and the symptoms. After refining the product for several years, the finalised formulation has been studied in several hundred patients and the documentation was started in 2015. As on date, the study and documentation is ongoing.

After 5 years of meticulous documentation of the observation studies at the clinical level, Trayambaka Churnam is now a licensed product, which enables esteemed Ayurvedic doctors to prescribe the product in their clinical practice. The documented studies are being shared in concise form for the benefit of all the Ayurvedic physicians keen to have an effective and safe option to offer their patients suffering from Hypothyroidism.

Trayambaka Churnam is prepared without any preservatives, colours or fillers. It is a pure herbal medicine. It is available in fine powder form.

The documentation of this study was started in 2015 at Shreshtha Ayurvedic Center in Bangalore. The data was collected and collated with the help of a EMR software called Medicra provided by Rashmika Info Technologies, Bangalore. Every patient was assigned a PID (Patient Identification Number)

Inclusion criteria (already diagnosed cases of hypothyroidism) with 5 or more symptoms in the below list between the age group of 7 – 70 years

  1. High TSH –Blood test showing TSH higher than 5.5 IU

  2. Weight gain/ Unable to lose weight

  3. Hair loss

  4. Fatigue

  5. Body pain & muscle cramps

  6. Puffiness of face

  7. Irregular menstrual cycles

  8. Depression and anxiety

  9. Memory problems

  10. Loss of appetite and digestion problems

  11. Dry skin

  12. Cold intolerance

  13. Infertility

Several patients whose TSH values were within the normal range, but whose symptoms were affecting the quality of life were also included. Patients with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis were also included.

Exclusion criteria

  1. Patients with cardiac complications

  2. Pregnant and lactating women

  3. Children below 7 years

Period of the clinical observation study- June 2015 to Dec 2016

Dosage given: 3 grams to 5 grams twice daily with water 15-30 minutes before food


Pathya suggested:

Avoid: Excess intake of sugar, salt, deep fried food, spicy food, cheese, egg yolk, cakes, fried meat, soft drinks, soya products, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, peaches, pears and strawberries.

Recommended to drink plenty of water (40 ml per kg body weight)

Assessment of the clinical observation data were made as per the below markers.

  1. Complete relief: TSH levels normalised and 100% of symptomatic relief.   

  2. Marked relief: TSH levels normalised and up to 80-100% of symptomatic relief.  

  3. Significant relief: TSH levels reduced and up to 60-80% symptomatic relief.   

  4. Mild relief: TSH levels reduced and below 60% of symptomatic relief.

  5. No relief: no change in the TSH levels and no symptomatic relief.

Table showing the result of overall treatment for first batch of 30 patients.

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