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All about Hypothyroidism (Part 6): Pranayama for Hypothyroidism


Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Pranayama for Hypothyroidism | Shreshtha Ayurveda


  • Close your eyes and sit up straight in a quiet, well-ventilated location. Maintain a soft smile on your lips.

  • Close your eyes for a few moments. Observe your body’s sensations and the stillness within.

  • Make a fist without your index fingers and place them on your ears. Between your cheek and ear is cartilage. Placing your index fingers on this cartilage is a good idea.

  • Take a big breath in and softly press the cartilage as you exhale. You can keep pressing the cartilage or press it in and out with your fingers while generating a bee-like humming sound.

  • You can also generate a low-pitched sound, but for best results, a high-pitched sound is recommended.

  • Inhale deeply again and repeat the pattern 3-4 times more.

Ujjayi pranayama

  • Keep your mouth closed and tighten your throat.

  • After a short exhale, begin inhaling slowly and regularly in one long and uninterrupted breath.

  • Allow air to flow freely through the restricted throat, resulting in a “friction sound.”

  • Continue inhaling until you feel a sense of fullness in your chest.

  • Keep the air you just inhaled for 6 seconds (preferably double the period of inspiration).

  • Ensure that your spine, head, and neck are all straight while you are seated.

  • The muscles of the face are relaxed, and the nose is not constricted. Inhalation is steady and rhythmic, with no jerks or breaks.

  • Now exhale slowly and gently, avoiding any jerky or hurried movements.

  • Relax by taking a few natural breaths.


  • Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight. Put your hands on your knees, palms facing the sky.

  • Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

  • Pull your navel back towards your spine as you exhale. Do as much as you are able to comfortably. You can feel the abdominal muscles contract by placing your right hand on the stomach.

  • The breath pours into your lungs effortlessly as you relax your navel and abdomen.

  • To finish one round of Kapal Bhati, take 20 such breaths.

  • Relax with your eyes closed after completing the round and pay attention to the sensations in your body.

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