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Trayambaka churnam is one such unique product for hypothyroidism which is backed by 15 years of clinical work by Shreshtha Herbals.


Trayambaka Churnam is an Ayurvedic Thyroid support system for patients with Hypothyroidism. This is an Anubhutha yoga used by Dr.Parameswaran Kaimal, a highly respected and well known Vaidyan from Kerala and later passed down the generations to Shreshtha Herbals.


The doctors at Shreshtha Herbals have further worked on the formulation to make it more effective and have refined the formulation to get exemplary results in Hypothyroidism.


Trayambaka Churnam is a result of 15 years of clinical observation studies by Shreshtha Herbals. It is a unique product which works both on the hormones (TSH, T3, T4 levels) and the symptoms. After refining the product for several years, the finalised formulation has been studied in several hundred patients and the documentation was started in 2015. As on date, the study and documentation is ongoing.


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Shreshtha Ayurveda Trayambaka Capsules-120

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