Thank you for the continued support for this series. Some of you have written that you have better clarity and guidance after reading these posts and are inspired to work to start this journey.
While we discussed an exercise program for beginners in the last post, in this post I would like to suggest simple remedies to help the healing process. These are extremely gentle, but really effective when followed regularly. I have advised these 2 methods to my patients and have seen good relief in them
Castor oil pack
Procure cold pressed castor oil for this process. Warm about 3-4 tsps (more if required)
Apply a thin layer of the warm oil inside and around the navel in a circular movement gently. Then slowly spread it all over the abdomen including the sides till the lower abdomen.
Lie down on your back and keep a hot water bag (should not be very heavy) on the abdomen gently.
Cover the abdomen completely with a towel and relax in this position for 15 minutes.
This procedure can be done at any time of the day, but should keep a gap of 2 hours from the previous meal.
This pacifies the excessive pitta in the abdomen area and reduces inflammation of the pelvic region

Neutral hip bath
You will need a tub large enough to sit inside.
Fill the water in the tub to 3/4th of its depth. The water temperature should be neutral.
Sit inside the tub without making your hands and legs wet. Legs should be outside the tub and please wear slippers.
Adjust the water level in such a way that it is just an inch above your navel.
Sit for 15 minutes and come out of the tub and dry yourself immediately
This procedure can be done at any time of the day, but should keep a gap of 2 hours from the previous meal.
This simple, yet beneficial hip bath improves the blood circulation in the pelvic region and has immense healing powers.
The Castor oil pack and Neutral hip bath can be done on alternate days and should be completely avoided during menstrual cycle.
Hope you will be able to incorporate these simple techniques in your journey towards wellness.
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